Could Science & Faith work together
to create a radically better Future?
The most significant conversations impacting our future—
like Artificial Intelligence, Space Exploration, Genetic Engineering
should involve people of faith

Christian Transhumanist Association
Using science & technology to participate in the work of God—
to cultivate life and renew creation.
The Christian Transhumanist Affirmation
As members of the Christian Transhumanist Association:
1. We believe that God’s mission involves the transformation and renewal of creation including humanity, and that we are called by Christ to participate in that mission: working against illness, hunger, oppression, injustice, and death.
2. We seek growth and progress along every dimension of our humanity: spiritual, physical, emotional, mental—and at all levels: individual, community, society, world.
3. We recognize science and technology as tangible expressions of our God-given impulse to explore and discover and as a natural outgrowth of being created in the image of God.
4. We are guided by Jesus’ greatest commands to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength…and love your neighbor as yourself.”
5. We believe that the intentional use of technology, coupled with following Christ, can empower us to grow into our identity as humans made in the image of God.
In this way we are Christian Transhumanists.
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