Three Missions of the CTA

Micah Redding

Posted on 2022-03-07T01:06:22.696Z

For much of the past year, the board and I have been thinking about the mission and purpose of the CTA. And we've realized that we really have three missions:

  1. First, a theological mission. In a world where Christians often see science and technology as enemies of faith---We believe that science and technology are part of the mission of Christ and of God. We as a community need to be able to share this understanding of the Christian story.

  2. Second, a faith-renewing and revitalizing mission. In a world of rising skepticism and disenchantment---We believe that engaging the future can help faith come alive. We as a community need to be able to show how the future can renew our faith, and the faith of individuals, families, communities, and the world.

  3. Third, a technological mission. In a world of increasingly difficult ethical questions and challenges---We believe that Christ offers an ethical vision for scientific and technological progress. We as a community need to be able to articulate and advocate for that ethical vision, and to enact it progressively in our own lives, and in the world around us.

These are our three missions. A theological mission, to explain how science and technology fit into the purpose of Christ and of God. A faith-renewing and revitalizing mission, to show how the future can renew our faith. A technological mission, to advocate the ethical vision of Christ for science and technology.

Which of these missions is most important to you? Which one do you resonate with the most?

photo credit: Giuseppe Milo

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