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Ep 2: Doomsday!
Micah Redding, Amy Gaskin
Posted on 2015-08-03 00:00:00
In this episode, Micah Redding and Amy Gaskin talk about doomsday!
- Zero to One and the difference between horizontal and vertical progress
- The tower of Babel
- The 9 enneagram personality types
- Missio Dei, The Mission of God
- More about NT Wright (see this article on him and Peter Thiel)
- Chick Tracts, for example
- The Left Behind series
- The Book of Job
- The complicated relationship between grace and obedience
- Living in a gravity well, and what that tells us about space travel, and the importance of the humanities
- Who is Iron Man?
(Read these notes in your browser)
Ep 2: Doomsday!
Christian Transhumanist Podcast
Micah Redding, Amy Gaskin
2015-08-03 00:00:00
Christian Transhumanist Podcast
Micah Redding, Amy Gaskin
2015-08-03 00:00:00
- Kevin Kelly
- NT Wright
- Science Mike McHargue
- David Deutsch
- Aubrey de Grey
- Frank Tipler
- Robin Hanson
- Robert Wright
- James Hughes
- Steve Fuller
- Liz Parrish
- Thomas Jay Oord
- Greg Boyd
- Philip Clayton
- Adam Ericksen
- Christian Piatt
- Paul Wallace
- Derek Flood
- Katharine Hayhoe
- Christopher Benek
- Robert Walden Kurtz
- Calvin Mercer
- Peter Enns
- Shannon Vyff
- Ron Cole-Turner
- Meghan O'Gieblyn
The Christian Transhumanist Podcast is an editorially independent production of Micah Redding, provided here as a community resource on behalf of the CTA.