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Ep 30: Robert Wright & the Purpose of Evolution
Micah Redding, Robert Wright
Posted on 2017-03-13 23:55:00

Can evolution have a purpose? Are we living in an alien zoo? Does the cosmos evolve? Why did Christianity emerge when it did? What is the direction of human society—and are we at a crisis point in history? Best-selling author Robert Wright explores all these questions and more.
Robert Wright is a journalist, scholar, and prize-winning author of best-selling books about science, evolutionary psychology, history, religion, and game theory.
- Zero Sum and Non-Zero-Sum Games
- Example: the economy is a non-zero-sum game
- Both conflict and cooperation can lead to non-zero-sum games
- External zero-sum games can drive internal non-zero-sum
- Is there such a thing as progress? Evolutionary, Technological, Cultural?
- The Expanding Circle: Ethics, Evolution, and Moral Progress, by Peter Singer
- When faced with external threats, the Greek city states went from seeing each other as non-human, to seeing each other as human, and only outsiders as non-human.
- A similar process has proceeded at larger and larger scales throughout history.
- Are we at a crisis point in history?
- Christianity’s unique relationship with cosmopolitanism
- The Bible claims that Christianity emerged “at just the right time”
- When Christianity emerged, it was in an age of multi-ethnic cosmopolitanism across the Roman Empire. And it emerged as a faith that was explicit about its multi-ethnic nature.
- If Christianity hadn’t happened, would another similar religion have necessarily emerged? How similar might it have been?
- Can evolution have a higher purpose?—Robert Wright’s controversial article for the NY Times
- Three myths about evolution and higher purpose:
- To say that there’s in some sense a “higher purpose” means there are “spooky forces” at work.
- To say that evolution has a purpose is to say that it is driven by something other than natural selection.
- Evolution couldn’t have a purpose, because it doesn’t have a direction.
- If evolution has a purpose, the purpose must have been imbued by an intelligent being.
- Are we living in an alien evolution zoo?
- What does purpose mean?
- The one thing Richard Dawkins and William Paley agreed on
- Three myths about evolution and higher purpose:
- Cosmological Natural Selection
- Lee Smolin's original black-hole centric formulation
- Black holes as reproductive organs of the universe
- Does life play a role? Louis Crane’s expansion, centering the role of intelligent beings
- The Anthropic Principle & Fine-tuning
- “A shared path to the future” — Micah’s argument for the role of intelligence in the universe, based on Richard Dawkins’ distinction between Symbiosis and Parasitism
- The Simulation Argument, as presented by Elon Musk, and in theological and religious forms
- Non-supernatural miracles
- The fear of purpose
- Are popular scientists committing a slippery slope fallacy?
- Why did early biologists, including Darwin's friends, talk about purpose in evolution?
- Is ruling out purpose driving people away from thoughtful naturalism and into reactionary supernaturalism? Will it hurt science education?
- Robert Wright’s books:
- Robert Wright on the Fermi Paradox
- Robert Wright on The Colbert Report
- Robert Wright on Twitter
- Robert Wright’s video network:
Ep 30: Robert Wright & the Purpose of Evolution
Christian Transhumanist Podcast
Micah Redding, Robert Wright
2017-03-13 23:55:00
Christian Transhumanist Podcast
Micah Redding, Robert Wright
2017-03-13 23:55:00
- Kevin Kelly
- NT Wright
- Science Mike McHargue
- David Deutsch
- Aubrey de Grey
- Frank Tipler
- Robin Hanson
- Robert Wright
- James Hughes
- Steve Fuller
- Liz Parrish
- Thomas Jay Oord
- Greg Boyd
- Philip Clayton
- Adam Ericksen
- Christian Piatt
- Paul Wallace
- Derek Flood
- Katharine Hayhoe
- Christopher Benek
- Robert Walden Kurtz
- Calvin Mercer
- Peter Enns
- Shannon Vyff
- Ron Cole-Turner
- Meghan O'Gieblyn
The Christian Transhumanist Podcast is an editorially independent production of Micah Redding, provided here as a community resource on behalf of the CTA.