Call for Presentations: Christian Transhumanist Conference 2018

Micah Redding

Posted on 2018-07-15T23:03:38.832Z

The Christian Transhumanist Association is pleased to announce that the first ever Christian Transhumanist Conference will take place on Saturday, 25 August 2018, at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN.

The keynote speaker is Aubrey de Grey, a life extension advocate and radical longevity researcher, working to end aging and create biological immortality through science.

How will biological immortality impact our understanding of Humanity? How will it impact Faith? Is the pursuit of immortality a moral necessity—or a sin? Will it fulfill the age-old dreams of religion?

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We invite you to submit talk proposals for the conference. The aim of this conference is to address the many issues and topics that lie at the intersection of technology and religion, and their impacts on society, faith, and culture including art, music, entertainment, and on society in general.

Talks will be assigned slots of 10, 15, or 20 minutes. Presenters are encouraged to make use of multimedia aids, such as slides, to make their presentations more engaging. Potential conference topics include:

Transhumanism: Evolution and the great filter argument; Moore’s law, Kurzweil’s law and the technological singularity; the pace of technological change; evolution; the evolution of technology; simulation argument; solar energy; genome sequencing; synthetic biology; 3D printing; genetics and biotech; nanotech and molecular machines; robotics and artificial intelligence; substrate independent minds; mind uploading; consciousness; cultural impact of technology; coping with the pace of technological change; neuroscience.

Philosophy, Theology and the Sociology of Religion: The secularization hypothesis and its implications for religion and religious organizations; post-secularization; ethics; faith and rationality; religious anthropology; philosophy of religion; scriptural hermeneutics; demythologization; postmodern religion; religious naturalism; social anthropology of technology; sociology of technology; technology and spirituality; feminism and gender issues; technology and gender.

Religious Transhumanism: Human transcendence through ethical and technological advancement; religious transhumanism; rejecting fundamentalism; rejecting anti-religiosity; promoting benevolence; promoting creativity; engineering transformation; engineering resurrection; engineering renewal of the world; bringing life to the cosmos; Minimum Viable Theology; the New God Argument.

Demonstrations, Displays, and Interactive Activities

Non-talk submissions will also be considered, including projects, demonstrations, and activities related to robotics, prosthetics, 3D-printing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, technology-enabled art, and alternative foods. These may be assigned to booths or tables around the conference venue.


Please send talk titles and abstract to Include author's full name, contact information, and title.

For more information, visit the official website of the Christian Transhumanist Association at .

Important dates

Conference Presentation Submission Deadline: 31 July 2018
Presentation Invitation Notification Date: 7 August 2018
Conference Date: 25 August 2018

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